Huntington Beach
Bolsa Chica SB  
Dog beach  
HB City Beach  
HB State Beach   
Beach Firerings
Beach Parking
Beach paths

Things to see and do
26 things to do
Bars, Clubs  

Places to stay
California Hotels 


Huntington Beach California US Events - Photo Events Calendar

summer 2010
winter 2010

Huntington Beach Events photos and photo calendar features actual event photography pictures taken in Huntington from previous special events such as US Open of Surfing, Concours D'Elegance, Duck-A-Thon, Polar Plunge, Santa Claus on Main Street, Pier Snowflake Lights, Oktoberfest, Band Concerts, Car Shows and more. Events held at the beach and Huntington Beach Pier provide the most popular locations for sporting activities, art festivals and more. If you are planning to attend or host a Huntington Beach event, be sure to get the best coverage, best photographs and best information.  Visit the calendar to see what each of these events entails. 

This is the fun calendar for Huntington Beach. We have published calendars for various cities and beaches and even several for Huntington Beach throughout time, so decided that we could make it a fun activity for tourists, visitors, and locals to enjoy when checking out what to do and see. There are many calendars that exist, but few include the the dates that you click to from smack dab in the middle of a Disneyland teacup ride, a gondola tour or a beach. So check this out for fun, and find out that each day links to a page of events listed that we've rounded up by our very own staff. If you have events that need listing, we accept those editorial offerings gladly. Thanks, gracias!


2010 Calendar /2009   / 2008 / 20072006 / 2005  / 2004