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Huntington Beach People Who Love HB and Live in the Surf City Happily

Cross Family Story

A profile of Huntington Beach People:

Donna and George Cross have lived in the same Huntington Beach home for over 45 years. "Even though the population has expanded 10 fold from when we first bought, the small town feeling of togetherness has never disappeared," said Donna. "We have an open door policy at our home," Donna added. "The city of Huntington Beach also has that friendly feeling."

Family, politics, church and charity occupy a good portion of their time. They support the Duck-A-Thon wholeheartedly - in fact, it was Donna's brainchild! The Duck-A-Thon benefits the Huntington Beach Community Clinic, and has grown each year since its inception...a fact that makes both Donna and George very proud.

Daughters Cheri, Kathy and Cindy all live in Surf City, and have raised their children in Huntington Beach as well. Both Donna and George have served on the Huntington Beach 4th of July Board, and are active volunteers with the Huntington Beach 3/1 Marines Foundation. George is a volunteer bus driver for the Senior Center, Donna is a Soroptimist, and the entire family attends First Christian Church.

Has Huntington Beach changed' George and Donna feel downtown was a small, family friendly place when they first moved here, and they loved going there with the children. Over time it deteriorated into an unsafe area for children. Now, they feel it is turning around again-and both enjoy going downtown frequently.

In 100 years George and Donna Cross feel that Huntington Beach will still be a preferred spot to live because of the weather, and sense of community.

Among their favorite places in HB are Aloha Grill, Longboards, the dog beach, the Pier, the Central Library and Central Park . They also can be seen at various playgrounds and parks that they can ride their bikes to.

Matt is a tradeshow installer in union local 831. Cathy is a stay-at-home Mom who is kept busy with Catalina.






Huntington Beach Ocean View Hotels:
Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa
Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort
Huntington Beach Inn
Shorebreak Hotel Joie de Vivre