Huntington Beach Centennial


Fetters Family Story

If you plan to visit the Fetters Family at dinner time on any night, there is something important to know: All six family members eat dinner together every night. It could be an early dinner because of an evening meeting or a late dinner because of an after school activity, but it's always all six together.

This family---Mom Carolyn and Dad Paul, son Matt, twin daughters Sara and Katy, and youngest daughter Daisy---has been in HB for 15 years, having moved from LA looking for better schools. Matt, an HBHS grad, is a freshman at Orange Coast College ; the twins are sophomores at HBHS; and Daisy is a 7th grader at Mesa View.

The Fetters are active folks. Matt is an accomplished roller blader whose exploits have been videotaped by Paul for school. Sara and Katy are junior life guards who can often be found at the beach or at Five Points. They have been involved with AYSO for years, the kids playing, Mom coaching, and Dad serving as a referee.

Paul is a personal trainer with two centers, one at Warner and Gothard and the other, 'The Training Spot', on Main St.

Family vacations are a special interest for the Fetters. Their recent East Coast tour included New York City , Boston , and parts of Pennsylvania . They especially enjoyed Martha's Vineyard, Times Square, and Boston 's Italian District.