Dennis and Debra Hashin are truly an HB PD family.
Dennis has been in HB 22 years, Debra 30 years. Dennis
is a retired police officer, Debra a retired police
dispatcher. Needless to say, they met in the department.
Dennis was a helicopter
officer whose broadcasts were, according to Debra, so
garbled that she couldn't understand a word he was
saying. This need for clarification led to their meeting
(presumably so Debra could offer elocution lessons!),
which led to their first date---a ride-along. That led
to a marriage 14 years ago.
The Hashins are a
downtown couple. They love to walk downtown and along
the coast. Some of their favorite HB eating spots are
Shorehouse, Smokin' Mo's, Uno's, Cantamar's Mexican
Restaurant, and Woody's.
Dennis spent 26.5 years
on the force. During that time he really enjoyed
teaching driving tactics, such as PIT, safety spins, and
PIT counter-moves. He currently serves as CFO for the HB
Police Officers' Association. Debra is a 4th grade
teacher at Carden Academy in downtown HB.
Debra's most memorable
experience as a dispatcher was a 911 call from a little
girl whose father was fighting home invaders. Debra was
able to get help there quickly. Later she visited the
girl's school and met her. Debra also noted the time
that she and Dennis got off work about 4:00 a.m. and
were on their way to eat when they got involved in
helping on a pursuit that ended up in Fountain Valley.
They cornered the suspect and radioed their report. The
only problem was that they were in an unfamiliar
neighborhood in Fountain Valley and had no idea where
they were!