Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
HB Downtown
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
Date: 11-27- 07
Present: Ron McLin, Brett Barnes Steve Garbowski, Stephanie
Inbody, Bill Cubby, Tony Motakef Connie Pedenko
Absent: Steve Daniel,
Bob Bolen, Susie Smith
Ron Mc Lin Opened meeting at 2:20 PM
RE: Approval of Minutes-10-11-07
- Motion to Approve
Stephanie, Brett 2nd, motion passed
RE: Financial Report- Steve G.
Motion to approve budget as presented Ron, 2nd
Stephanie, motion passed
(budget on file)
Connie asked that we budget $50.00 a month,
for gasoline for the SCN
generators. Motion to approve Stephanie,
2nd Brett, motion passed
Connie reported a sponsorship in the amount
of $2,500, from Edison, for Halloween and $2,400 form Star Buck
Corp. for SCN.
Connie to ask the city to identify who has
not paid this years BID dues and ask if we can get DBID business
names to accompany the payment check when there are submitted to
the BID.
RE: Old Business
Halloween, Connie Stated the layout will need
tweaking next year to fit the current fire lines.
Board approved to pay for a shuttle in the
amount of $1,200 for the Feb. Surf City Marathon, and will plan
on having table at the event to hand out literature
No word to date about extending the March 8th
Woody car show to a second day, the city will wave the event fee
for the second day
Connie to research if Paintball will be
taking place in 2008. BID will take a table but will not pay for
a shuttle.
Connie explained that the BID is to abide by
the Brown Act, since the BID is part of a redevelopment agency
and 501C6 organization, which was newly imposed this year.
The required organizations General Liability
Insurance coverage amount, to be clarified by the city. Connie
to ask Nova
RE: New Business
Board reviewed suggested revision of By-laws
to include the increased number of
Board seats. Connie presented a more detailed
set of By-laws to not only reflect the future, but to give more
clarification on the policy and procedures, on the voting process.
Finalization tabled until the December 18th 2:00PM Board
Stephanie asked if it a possibility to take
SCN off of the 1st block and just compact it in the 2nd
and 3rd block. Open discussion was to find the
feasibility of doing that and how it would affect the income to
the Farmers Market Coordinator. Connie reminded the Board that
would affect the BID opportunity to generate income to offset
costs. Connie to speak with the Farmers Market Coordinator.
RE: Non- Agenda Items
Stephanie suggested the BID have a mixer. A
Date was set for January 12th location to be
determined. It will be a combination of welcoming the new board
members, General membership meeting, and a social. It will be
considered BID Board member Appreciation event.
RE: Adjournment 3:30- Next Board
meeting December 12th 2:00PM at IHop