Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
HB Downtown
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
Directors Meeting Minutes
Steve Daniel, Ron McLin, Tony Motakef, Brett Barnes,
Bill Cuppy, Stephanie Inbody, Susie Smith & Connie Pedenko
Bob Bolen & Steve Grabowski
By: Jerry Huffman, President, James T. Holden,
Marketing Director, & Seth Schiller of Captive Media Marketing. The
presentation was seeking endorsement of a 'Surf City TV Co-Op
investment for Video Display showcase advertising. Steve Daniel
suggested CMM come back with a quote that would include a BID Member
Business Directory.
Steve Daniel -Opened the Meeting
RE: Approval of Minutes-07-22-08
' Motion to Approve by
Susie, 2nd Bill, motion passed
Financial Report- Steve D. Presented:
' The 2008/2009 Budget
Proposal-previously approved-On File
' Copy of Invoice assessment
dues Invoice #71108 Dated 06-30-08 in the amount of $29.165.53 and
Invoice #70909 Dated 8-15-08 in the amount of $20, 436.23- On file
' Balance sheet as of August 19,
2008-Full presentation packet on file.
RE: Old Business
- Management & Cost Sharing
Agreement-To be reviewed once again, prior to signing next week.
Block by Block cleaning/safety program proposal
review- Still no proposal in
General Membership meeting review- minutes on file
RE: New Business
- Surf City Spirit-Susie
reported the event name was not 'Love Surf City Style, and
presented a few of the concepts. The date of February 14th
was voted down and Susie to come back with a new possible date.
Proposed event budget on file
- 2nd Annual Taste
of New Zealand-Susie reported she met with Nova from the city to
go over the BID role in the September 20th & 21st
event. The BID will be coordinating the fashion show. The city
to handle all costs for the stage and any equipment.
- 2009 Street Closures was
not addressed
RE: Non agenda Item
- Surf City Nights-open
discussion on rules and regs, entertainment, and vendors. Call
for a special discussion meeting with Lee Ostendorf, Farmers
Market Coordinator to be set for September 2nd.
Second point of discussion will be results of a meeting held
with a Lt. Mike Reynolds in regard to Food Beverage
establishments over serving Alcohol and establishments legal
capacity of customers.
Adjourned ' 3:30 PM. Next meeting Board Meeting,
Tuesday, September 16th 2008 at IHop at 2:00 PM