Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
BID Meeting Minutes
Present: Susie, Bill, Connie,
Steve, Craig, Lee, Tom, Sue, Gary (Sue's husband), Stephanie, Keith
(for Aaron) & Nicole
Open Meeting-2:10pm
Susie opened the meeting
Approval of Meeting Minutes- Susie motioned to approve the minutes from
07/21/09 meeting & Tom seconded them, motion carried
Financial Report-
Stephanie reported $79,800.00 in the bank. Because the city
did not approve the $22k the money had to be rearranged in the PNL.
In order to get the money from the city we had to put the money
under Special Events & Marketing. We were billed for the bollards
and the city will not waive this. The BID was given a choice to pay
monthly or one lump sum and it was agreed to pay the lump sum out of
the Steward Program/Cleaning line item. $1,000.00 was approved by
the board to purchase a new computer, printer and equipment but the
total bill came to $1,220.78. Last board meeting the board discussed
getting the computer through Dell because they had a special
running. Stephanie motioned to approve the financials & Susie
seconded them.
IV. Old Business
A. August 17th City
Council/Redevelopment Agency HBDBID 2009-2010 & DT Image-
Susie reported not a lot happened with the whole committee. The
only thing that came out of it was that they voted to increase the
fee when a bar gets fined.
B. Maintenance Program-
Bill reported that they will begin the 1st of
September. We should see a major improvement by the 2nd.
The initial cleaning will bring everything up to standard.
Halloween- Connie reported that it was moving along
V. New Business
DTSP-Task Force- Susie suggested putting
together a task force to go over the DTSP & asked if Sue would head
up this committee. Some board members were hesitant about taking a
stand on the DTSP. Steve has read the DTSP and he suggested that a
task force be formed but cover only what directly affects the
downtown merchants. Susie suggested we divide up the DTSP & assign
specific areas to specific task force members. Stephanie suggested
we identify any changes that affect the downtown merchants & mail it
out to the BID members so they are aware of the changes.
B. Salon Assessments- Susie reported that
some business owners are being billed as a stylist & some stylist
are being billed as a business. The billing is a huge mess & is not
universal. Nicole motioned to create a new line item on the zoning
for salons so their fee schedule will mirror the billing for retail
shops. Bill motion to approve, Tom 2nd, the motion while
Sue, Susie, & Aaron, abstained, motion carried 5 yes votes. (Lee,
Stephanie, Craig)
C. Art Walk- Susie
reported that they have gotten a good response. Been in contact with
Shorebreak Hotel & discussed a wine reception there. Discussed
Shorebreak heading this up since the Ambassadors have their hands
full with Halloween.
D. Formulating BID Board Member
Selection Committee- Susie reported that it is time to
form the committee for new board members. We will have 4 officer
seats to fill & 1 director. Discussion on who has to sit out for a
term & who can stay for another term was made.
E. BID Logo Window Decal-
Connie reported that we can have small logo stickers made for
our BID members windows. She received two quotes one for $1,200.00
and one $300.00 for 300 stickers. Bill said he knew a company that
participated in SCN that might beat these quotes & will look for
their info.
F. Anjo Japan-
Susie reported that Anjo Japan, HB sister city will be here in
November & was looking to host them at The Strand. A suggestion of
doing the Iron Chef thing again is in discussion. Steve asked the
board to remember that the purpose of this board was to market Main
Meeting Adjourned at 3:45 pm- Next Meeting September 22, 2009 @
2:00pm at Ihop
Meeting Round Rules
*Respect each other's time: be on time
and stay for the entire meeting
*Avoid side
conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)
*Help create a
nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged
*Hold all non-agenda
items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones
* The Bid President
will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal