Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
Time: 2:00
I. Open Meeting: Susie Smith,
President, called meeting to order at 2:15pm
Susie Smith, Bill Cuppy, Connie Pedenko, Lee Love, Tom Black,
Stephanie Inbody, Sue Harrison, Steve Daniel, Craig Franz
Nicole Topor, Aaron Pai
Approval of Meeting Minutes: Stephanie motioned to approve
minutes from 9-22-09 and Lee
seconded, motion carried.
III. Financial Report-Stephanie
reported $75,000 in our account.
We have a new accountant who
is experienced with 501C6 organizations
Two signatures are necessary for all outgoing
checks (Treasurer plus one
of the Executive Board). It was suggested we
have a transitional meeting
To explain the financials to the new Board. Bill
motioned to approve the
Financials and Sue seconded, motion carried.
Financials on file.
IV. Old Business:
A. Art Walk:
Bill asked about the
responses to date regarding participation. Susie said
the following have already expressed interest: Makin'
Waves, No Ka Oi, Gallagher's, Fred's, Altera. Artists
must apply through an art board for vetting purposes.
Artists do not have to be HB locals. We will have
established artists, as well as student artists. The map
is in process, as are the rules and regulations.
Sponsors are welcome to provide cookies and punch, or
whatever they like to add to the ambiance. Discussion
ensued as to how best indicate where artists are located
(Balloons' American Flags') The Art Walk will start in
January and continue on the 3rd Wednesday of
every month.
B. Taxi Vouchers: Harbor
Distributors wants to give out taxi vouchers for a ride
home and a ride to your car in the morning. They will be
testing the voucher program on St. Patrick's Day. In the
future, this may be standard for big events and
holidays. HB Beer Company already sponsors taxi rides
during major holidays and events. Next step is to meet
wit Harbor Distributors. Susie got the ball rolling on
this, and needs someone to take over. Tom volunteered to
deal with Roz and work out methods of distribution of
vouchers to customers, and work out a deal with Yellow
Establish Individual Realtors BID Member dues: Realtor
Board Membership dues in amount of $30.00 were established.
Present 2009-2010 Slate of Officers and Directors:
Bill offered to spearhead the by law revisions. Stephanie motioned,
Tom seconded and it was passed for Bill to put a committee together
to review other 501c6 organization bylaws. Stephanie commented the
bylaws that are in place are very open for interpretation. If you
are elected to a seat you need to be present to vote. No more
proxies which need to be stated in the bylaws.
Parking: Discussion regarding parking included the BID
Board comments to the City, and their proposal response. Validations
will be discussed and voted on December 2, 2009. We had made
concessions to the parking study, and the City didn't make any
concessions except to eliminate a couple of the things we were
asking for. We had 13 things on the list to be addressed. We agreed
to take the yearly pass away. We did NOT agree with their
recommendation for employer and customer validations. People don't
realize that tax increments were supposed to pay for the garage
which has only 700 spaces.
New Business:
BID Board meaning of 'Marketing' responses: Connie
distributed the responses received ' on file.
Inaugural Celebration: 2009 Inaugural and Installation
Celebration November 11th, at The Waterfront Hilton.
Submitted Advertising opportunities: We should
have something in our bylaws regarding the types of advertising the
BID will agree to. Susie suggested the bylaws will be on the agenda
in February 2010 to begin the review process.
Surf City Nights Update: SCN Task Force Committee will
reconvene to address event challenges. Susie said it is a huge
undertaking to accomplish what needs to be done. The
committee has gathered rules and regulations of other similar
events. Steve Daniel volunteered to sit on the Task Force as well.
Downtown Specific Plan Update: Sue has decided not to
head the DTSP committee. Bill offered to head up the Task Force and
it will include Sue and Steve.
C. It Was Suggested: Ambassadors need
to keep the board abreast
changes and aware of event dates. Susie reported that beginning
next month the Chairman or a representative of the Ambassadors will
be at every board meeting.
D. BID Sponsoring Santa: Susie reported that an e-mail was
to 'Santa' to confirm 2 weeks for $200.00 total. There is $2,500
in SSN budget. Lee motioned to
approve Santa December 15th & 22nd.
Stephanie seconded, motion passed. Steve mentioned that
he knows a 'Santa' who likes to hand out candy
canes down Main Street, and he doesn't charge. The BID
can just give him
candy canes to hand out. Lee
motioned the BID allocate $50.00 for Steve to
spend on candy, Bill seconded, and motion passed.
E. Maintenance Program: Bill asked who was taking over the
maintenance management. Connie stated that she will continue
work with the City, Contractor, day porters and handle any
problems that arise.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:45 PM
Next Meeting November 24,
2009 @ 2:00pm
Meeting Round Rules
*Respect each other's time: be on time
and stay for the entire meeting
*Avoid side
conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)
*Help create a
nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged
*Hold all non-agenda
items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones
* The Bid President
will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal