Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
BID Meeting Minutes
Susie, Bill, Connie, Steve, Michael, Lee, Tom &
Absent: Tony, Stephanie, &
Meeting-2:10 Susie opened the
of Meeting Minutes- Bill motioned to approve the minutes from
03/24/09 meeting & Michael seconded them.
Financial Report- Stephanie was absent to
report March's financials.
Profit & Loss Budget Performance &
Balance Sheet- Stephanie was absent to report March's financials.
SCN Event Coordinator Job Description-
There was a lengthy conversation regarding this item and has been
tabled for further discussion.
IV. Old
A. Maintenance
Partnership Concept Update- Bill had a meeting with Anna
from CIM (property management) and went over the changes he had. She
agreed with the changes & we do not need night porters from 10 pm '
7 am. He also met with Nova from the city in a 'non city manner'
going over his minor concerns regarding city contract requests vs.
city requests. For example allowing a 10% maintenance fee reduction
to do the job & using the excess for administrative cost. Connie
will send an email out to the board to review draft & map & have
them return to Bill with comments.
B. New BID
Logo- Stephanie absent so tabled until next meeting.
Chili @ the Beach- Lee received 2 completed applications from
Smokin' Mo's & Longboards. She sent out an email with all the info
but there seemed to be some confusion with the merchants who thought
they had to participate both as a contestant & exhibitor. Lee was
hoping to have the other 13 chili contestants solidified by next
week. Susie reported she had 2 exhibitors for that weekend. Connie
reported that Palm Spring Air Museum will be bringing out little
airplanes for the kids & the Army is providing a climbing wall.
BID Tri Fold Directory- Connie reported she received 3 quotes
& 2 of the quotes included artwork but wasn't sure if the quote from
Stephanie's contact did. The information for the tri fold is
collected from website & walking into the businesses & getting their
Meeting with CVB- Susie, Michael & Connie met with Steve Bone
regarding 10,000 boards in the sand. Susie reported that it was only
a one day event (Saturday) and it would not be profitable for a
street closure for the BID. It was suggested to take the info to the
Ambassadors and see what they can come up with an idea to
incorporate the BID into the event. The Chamber is participating in
the event as wells a lot of vendors on Pier Plaza. It was suggested
to do a car show and ask Steve Bone for the funding.
BID Mascot- There was a lengthy conversation regarding this
item so the item was tabled until next meeting.
V. New
A. Website Coupon Program- Connie is
working with the BID webmaster and building a link for a coupons for
downtown that will be that can be printed of the site. If a BID
member is interested they will need to contact Debbie our
webmaster. The coupon will print out as a whole page with
various coupons from merchants. It is no cost for BID members and
coupons will change quarterly.
B. HB Downtown Ad Hoc Meeting-April 27th
6:00 pm @ Art Center
Meeting Adjourned
at 3:15 pm- Next Meeting May 19, 2009 @ 2:00pm at Ihop