Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
Location: Gallagher's Pub & Grill
Present: See Attendance Sheet
on file
RE: Open Meeting-Connie Pedenko, ED
RE: Financial Report-Bill Cuppy,
VP reported for Stephanie Inbody, Tresurer
- Reported the BID currently has $80,000 in
the bank, and had copies of the budget on file
RE: New Business
- Downtown
Maintenance Partnership- Bill reported the BID has
solidified the services of Malco Commercial Property
Maintenance. The services begins September 1st. A
Board approved separate bank account will be established at
First Bank, specifically for the maintenance services.
- Bid
Membership Directory- Connie handed out samples and said
please let us know if there are any corrections that need to be
- Halloween-
Ann Padilla reported the Ambassadors are hard at work on
organizing this years event, by contacting non-profit
organizations for game/activity booths, the CIM Group is working
on a Haunted House for 5th Street, inflatable sponsor
has be solidified, a costume contest for children with two age
categories will take place as well as a dog costume contest, and
much more to come! Connie said Steve Daniel is working on the
City Service's Displays
- Art Walk-
Connie reported as a result of the Image Committee Cultural Task
Force the BID has begun organizing and a Wednesday monthly Art
Walk, to be launched in
October. The plan is to begin the walk from the Art Center and
conclude at the Shorebreak Hotel. This will not be a structured
walk and the guests may linger at any location and conclude the
walk at any point they desire. Kate Hoffman the Director of the
Art Center will be connecting with the Golden West College Art
- Surf Boards
In the Sand- Donna Mulgrew from the HB Marketing & Visitors
Bureau presented information on the September 19th,
2009 event. And asked that the members be prepared to offer
discounts that day. She said the Centennial event, will include
a historical photo opportunity, benefiting in celebration of
surf culture and our oceans. The photo will be published in
Tansworld Surf Magazine and other select international
publications. Posters and brochures for the event were
- BID Coupon
Website Program- Connie reminded the BID members the coupon
happy hour 'special offers,' opportunity that is provided on the
BID Website, and to contact the BID Webmaster Debbie Stock. She
conclude by saying the site gets a tremendous amount of viewers
weekly and please once again take advantage of the free
marketing opportunity.
- Parking
Rate Study-Susie said the BID assisted the city in the
downtown employee count. She reported that she and Connie, along
with Stanley and Nova from the Economic Development Dept. net
with the Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and they are in
support of what the BID is proposing. Proposed list and letter
from the Chamber of Commerce on file.
Meeting adjourned to a
Social Hour at 6:15pm
Meeting Round Rules
*Respect each other's time: be on time
and stay for the entire meeting
*Avoid side
conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)
*Help create a
nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged
*Hold all non-agenda
items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones
* The Bid President
will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal