Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
BID Meeting Minutes
Present: Susie, Bill, Connie,
Steve, Craig Tom, Stephanie. Nicole, Craig, & Sue, Keith sitting in
for Aaron
Excuses Absence- Lee
I. Open Meeting-2:20 P.M.
II. Approval of Meeting Minutes- Nicole motioned to approve 4-21-09
Minutes, 2nd
Stephanie, motion passed
III. Financial Report- Stephanie presented April Financials
Steve motioned
to approve, 2nd Tomas, motion passed
IV. Old Business
New BID Logo-Stephanie presented a color version and the Board
approved Logo on file
Movie Night Under
The Stars-Connie reported
that So Cal Film Festival will be presenting films at the pier every
Thursday in the month of August and the entire cost has been
sponsored. Film names are on file
Chili At The Beach-Connie reported we have solidified advertising
with O.C. Weekly valued over $3,000 in trade. Also, KOCI radio
station will be broadcasting from the event
BID Tri Fold
Directory- Connie
reported that Susie and her have been working on it, however,
discovered the roster provided by the city was not accurate enough
for the project, which now is taking more research than anticipated.
Mascott-Susie presented the idea of the BID having a
Dolphin as a BID Mascot, and possibly enter into the 4th
of July Parade. After much discussion, the idea was tabled again.
Connie to get information from the Parade committee the cost to
SCN Task Force-Susie presented what took place at the meeting
with Lee Ostendorf, the Farmers Market Manager, and addressing some
issue's that needed attending to. Connie reported that the Surf City
Idol contest partners, the Music Factory, regretfully had to cancel
out this year, as they will be on tour. Connie is searching for
another co-sponsor.
Maintenance Memorandum of Understanding-Bill reported what took place at the
meeting with the attorney. The city has agreed to add the changes
requested by the Board members. Motion to approve Stephanie, 2nd
Steve, motion passed to move forward upon review of the BID
4th July
Official Program- Connie
presented the request for the BID to place an add for $100.00. Steve
motioned to approve, 2nd Thomas, motioned passed.
Image Ad Hoc sub
Committee's- Susie identified which Board members are sitting on the
various sub committees.
V. New Business
Shuttle Request for
Volley Ball Tournament-After
discussion about past history, with the Shuttle not making a
difference in the guest attendance to downtown, Susie motioned not
to hire a shuttle, 2nd Bill motion passed with on
Aquarium of the
Pacific on Wheels for Chili At The Beach- Connie reported she has asked Fred's and Sharkeez
to sponsor, and still waiting for a response
Ordinance No. 3817 ' Deals with Real Estate Licenses, which states
that only the Broker is required to get a city license, and not the
Realtor. The BID will offer out to the Realtors, the opportunity, to
join the BID as individuals.
Non Agenda Item
Families-Connie announced
the launch of the site with the stories and will continue to build
on, with the goal of 100 stories by end of the Centennial year. A
commercial for HB3 is being organized and the hope is to find a
sponsor when the Centennial year is over to create a scrapbook.
VII. Meeting Adjourned at 3:30
pm- Next Meeting June 19th at the BID
Office, at 2:00 P.M.