The Orange County Sanitation District
christened a new $1.3-million ocean research vessel "Nerissa"
to test a 35-square-mile stretch of coastal waters, from
Crystal Cove to Huntington Beach
and Seal Beach. It will also test the
wastewater discharge released 200 feet below the surface
from an outfall pipe 4 1/2 miles off the coast of
Huntington Beach. The 58-foot boat will conduct three
types of monitoring ' core monitoring, regional studies
and in-depth studies. Through core monitoring, crew
members will analyze data and see the effects of treated
wastewater on marine life. The crew will test for pH,
oxygen and bacteria levels at different water depths.
The boat's name, Nerissa, was derived from Greek
mythology. Nerissa lived on the bottom of the ocean and
rendered protection and assistance to the sailors who
passed by.