Has Alcohol License Been Denied
for Wet Electric Rave' Mayor
Boardman Says Yes!
Some people are sick of hearing about Wet Electric Rave, a 'controversial beach party slated for September 14, 2013, but love it or not, a judge said Wednesday, September 11, 2013 that the show may go on, against the wishes of the City of Huntington Beach. The event organizers and California State Parks were served with court papers to meet and state their claim to permitting rave parties on public sands and beaches. They won the first round. Now, as of 4 p.m. on Friday just hours before the event, Mayor Boardman has posted a Facebook page comment that the ABC (alcohol) permit for the event has been denied. Say what'
If you plan to go to this event, DO check before going. You may be left high & dry next to the Pacific waters if you are counting on drinking anything but ocean blue. 'Event promoters are working to get their licenses reinstated.