HB Recycling Bins Help Separate the Trash Downtown
It seems like Downtown HB is where everything goes on. Though not necessarily so, there are plenty of great things to report such as the new recycling containers that have two separate bins--one for recyclables and one for trash. The City of Huntington Beach and Rainbow Environments Services (rainbowes.com) are partnering on a program that began downtown (Main Street primarily) and later may include Central Park Sports Complex.
Advertising opportunities are available currently:
- The downtown Coastal Zone containers feature and advertising opportunity, which allows a company logo to be 25% of content size, with an environmental message comprising 75% of content.
- The ad cannot be in view of the company that placed the ad.
- The ad must be placed away from the company such as on the next block.
- The ad terms are for 3 months and 6 months.
- For the 3 month term one container would be approx. $900 total (sujbect to change) which includes the artwork, the materials that coat the artwork which makes the ad sun, salt and moisture proof and graffiti is easily removed using alcohol.
- 6 month term with same ad would be approx. $1650 (subject to change).
- Call for info:'(714) 847-3581 x284