Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
HB Downtown
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
Present: See Attendance Sheet on
RE: Open Meeting-Ron
Self Introductions
RE: Financial Report-Steve
Financial Reports were handed out. SCN Management
and Special Events revenue is still being generated for this year 07, which will
reflect in the next budget report.
RE: Election
Item-Ron McLin
Open discussion on By-Law amendment- from 7 Board
of Directors to seat a maximum of 9. More people equal more for a quorum. In the
past with 7 BOD they have always been able to get a quorum. As the strand goes
up more BID members will join. The By-laws would need to be adjusted from 7 to
9. The term is for 2 years & they would rotate. Steve Grabowski motions to have
the BOD's max out at 9.
Nicole Topor motioned to approve the Board seats 9
Moe Memon seconds the motion-By-law amendment
RE: Old Business
Halloween-Ron reported
this years Halloween event was successful & no different than last year.
However, there was set up challenge with the new fire lane restrictions. The
event layout will be tweaked to fit the Fire department requirements for next
years Halloween event. Budget for the event was $10,000 and the actual annual
revenue spent for the event was $10,000 as a gift from the BID to the
community. Very good turnout.
Electronic Newsletter-
Moe reported still missing a couple hundred e-mails. Please go right to
moe@electricchair to register your E-mail address.
Dec. 1st &
2nd-Nova reported New Zealand will be here that weekend with 10 chefs
cooking at 6 different stations. Sampling is free & an opportunity drawing for a
trip for 2 to New Zealand. 30 people including the mayor of Waitakere
(Huntington Beach's sister city) will also be here. Saturday at 9:30 pm they
will be showing the film, 'World's Fastest Indian' and the director of the film
will also be there. No merchants will be out on the streets & the street closure
is from Walnut to Orange.
Light of Love- Dec. 2nd
Elsa from the HB Youth Shelter will have a booth selling a little light for
shelter for $8.00 or 2 for $15.00 at SCN and the day of the event. It's a hand
held snowflake that lights up. The parade begins at 3:30 and this is the 11th
year for the parade which brings about 3,000 to 4,000 visitors to Main St.
Christmas Promotion- snowflakes & pendants are the only decorations that are put
up during the holiday season. Nov. 20th is the last day to purchase
the large snowflakes that are put up on the light poles, which are currently on
Advertisement Opportunity-
Clipper Magazine-Mark from Clipper is connecting with all the
businesses downtown which includes the myriad of restaurants. Clipper magazine
has been in HB for over 9 years & reaches over 100,000 homes. All the artwork
& photos are included in the cost of the ad, the BID marketing funds picks up
half of the cost.
Marathon- Susie typed
up a paragraph explaining the marathon & where to e-mail an offers you want to
appear in the runner's guide. The runners guide will be provided by the BID &
will be passed out at the Marathon Expo, the promoters are expecting 15,000
Non Agenda items-Lee
Love from HB Lions Club is hosting the New Years Day Plunge. 75 years for the
Lions club 100 years for the city of HB. Goody Bags will be handed out so if you
have anything to put in the goody bags please contact the Lions Club.
Susie Smith has organized a Christmas tree lot run
every Tuesday night beginning Dec. 4. 30-50 trees will be at the lot & a portion
of the sale will be donated to the BID.
Announcement of the 2007-2008 Board of
Directors- On file and will be announced in the BID November Newsletter
Adjourned 6:33 pm- Next Meeting TBA-check www.downtown.com
Meeting Round Rules
*Respect each other's time: be on time
and stay for the entire meeting
*Avoid side
conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)
*Help create a
nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged
*Hold all non-agenda
items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones
* The Bid President
will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal