Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
HB Downtown
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
Present: See Attendance Sheet on
RE: Open Meeting-Steve Daniel
RE: Financial Report-Steve
BID waiting for $40,000 assessment funds to arrive. The Board
submitting a proposed budget to the city for 2008/2009, which
includes Surf City Nights, BID Board waiting for approval
- Steve will be contacting city council
members in regard to the city and the BID's
contribution to Surf City Nights. He will express the need for the
Bollards, that were previously budgeted in redevelopment funds. A
suggestion was made that the BID have an alternative plan to the
free 2 hour parking during SCN, in order to alleviate the $22,000
financial obligation.
RE: Old
- Susie Reported
on the success of the Chili At The Beach event
- Surf City
Nights continued discussion. Lt. Mike Reynolds from the Police
Department, said the entertainment has caused some 'choke
points' with the guests walking in the street. BID will be
handling the entertainment at the beginning of the new fiscal
year in October.
RE: New
- General Election-Steve
Daniel announced the nominating committee-Ron Mc Lin,
Steve Grabowski, Nicol Topor, Tony Metokef and Steve Daniel and
Connie Pedenko in an
advisory capacity.
- Steward Program- Ron McLin
not in attendance to report
- Taste of New Zealand-Susie
reported the BID will be handling the Fashion Show portion of
the event. Susie is going to inquire about Miss HB participation
in the Fashion Show.
RE: Non Agenda-
- Reynolds
talked about an article done in the Register Newspaper. He said,
the information was obtained by a local reporter, by
doing a walk along with the foot beat officers at 10:00pm.
Further discussion on the subject will be addressed at a Board
of Directors meeting.
Adjourned: 6:30 PM. Next General Membership meeting to be
announced. Please visit
HB Downtown for all BID