Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District

Visit: HB Downtown

Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.




Present: See Attendance Sheet on file

RE: Open Meeting-Steve Daniel

  • Self Introductions

RE: Financial Report-

  • Steve Daniel, reported the BID has in the bank $27,000 and the

owes the BID approximately $55,000 in assessment funds. He explained, due to

past law suit in Santa Ana, a new process has been implemented where the BID

has to bill the city for its expenditures, to receive the assessments funds.


RE: Old Business-

  • Electronic Newsletter- Moe reminded everyone, that we need to have on file, their E-mails, in order to receive a monthly electronic newsletter and any important bulletins.
  • Woody Car Show, March 7th & 8th- Connie reminded everyone that this annual event brings shoppers.

RE: New Business-

  • Chili At The Beach, June 14th & 15th- Connie spoke in behalf of the events Sub Committee Leader Michael Moroneso. This event will include a Chili cook-off to include the restaurants and some local non-profits, the proceeds benefiting a selected charity. The event will include street exhibiting opportunities, and more to be announced. Applications are available. Sponsors needed, to offset costs.
  • Surf & Soul, September 13th & 14th - Chip Rowland the event Sub Committee Leader explained how the events concept was born, and the goal create a feeling nostalgia on surfing world of the past. The possibility of holding some of the activity at the pier side is being reviewed to include bands, and possible Long Board surfing contest. This is a work in progress, but will need sponsorships to help offset costs.

RE: Non Agenda

  • Steve informed the members about the news rack committee progress, and what has been decided. No more that 8 racks side by side and must be uniform.
  • Steve suggested there be within 60 days another Survey going out on whether or not SCN should be year round' And on the same survey ask about if the businesses have experienced a sales increase as a result.

Meeting Adjourned at 6:30 PM. Next General Membership meeting to be announced. Please visit HB Downtown for all BID activities.

Social hour and prizes-began







Connie Pedenko, Executive Director

Cell (714) 655-0569 E-Mail

412 Olive Street, Suite 149 Huntington Beach, CA  92648