Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
HB Downtown
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
HBDBID Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes
Present: Steve Daniel, Ron McLin, Bill Cuppy,
Brett Barnes, Bob Bolen, Stephanie Inbody, Steve Grabowski, Susie
Smith & Connie Pedenko
Absent: Tony Motakef
Steve Daniel- Opened meeting at 2:10 PM
RE: Approval of Minutes-02-19-08
Motion to Approve by Steve D, 2nd Brett motion,
passed with the corrections by Stephanie, that in last months
non agenda items, she made the suggestion of doing 'SCN in
winter or not at all.'
RE: Financial Report- Steve D.
Lengthy discussion on better clarification and to simplify the
monthly submitted financial reports.
Much discussion on the city's newly required billing process on how
to receive the monthly BID assessment funds. The process has been an
arduous time consuming task on many people's part, including city
staff, the BID CPA, Volunteer's and BID Staff. Up until this time
the process still has not had been clarified, however we have been
assured the funds that are now 5 months passed due, will be
arriving. It was suggested that several Board members have an
immediate meeting with the Economic Development Department Head.
No approval was made on the February's financial reports.
RE: Old Business
By-laws-Board approved mailing out the
newly Board approved by laws and a newsletter in an envelop to
all BID members
Woody Car Show Critique- Ron & Connie both
spoke to Tom Long the promoter. He said,
'with some changes to the Sunday venue, the event would be
successful both days next year.' Suggestions on file
Paintball- Connie reported so far no
volunteers have stepped to man the table. Not being a budgeted
item, Brett and Ron representing the Restaurant Association,
suggested, they may be able to help with paid staff if needed.
Chili At The Beach-A brief report from
Connie on how the Ambassadors were doing in the organizational
process of the event. Waiting for a final answer from CHOC
about being the recipient of the funds generated by the Chili
Cook-off and raffle portion of the event.
RE: New Business
Surf City Nights-Connie reported that in June, a Surf City
Night's Idol Contest will begin. The BID is working with the Music
Factory to put this event on. Secondly, an International Film
Festival will also be implemented this summer into SCN.
BID Business Development Committee- Tabled
until the next Board meeting.
Non- Agenda items:
Stephanie open the discussion on weather we should be continuing SCN
and questioned whether or not the BID members like the event. After
much discussion it was decided to once again, conduct a survey out
to the members prior to September, to solicit opinions.
Meeting Adjourned - 3:30 PM. Next meeting Tuesday, April 25th
2008 at IHop at 1:30 PM