Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
HBDBID Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes
Present: Steve Daniel, Ron McLin, Tony Motakef , Stephanie
Inbody, Susie Smith & Connie Pedenko
Absent: Bill Cuppy (excused absence) Brett Barns (excused
absence) Bob Bolen, Steve Grabowski
Steve Daniel- Opened meeting at 2:10
Presentation by: Kevin Elliot, President & Keith Walker
director of Business Development for Code4 Media. A Downtown
Directories Turnkey Implementation Proposal was presented and
discussed. Proposal included two design options of a 'backlit
directory' Steve informed Code 4 Media that the regularly scheduled
Downtown Economic Development committee would be meeting the
following morning and their design concepts would be presented.
RE: Approval of Minutes-03-18--08
- Motion to Approve by Ron, 2nd Tony, motion passed
RE: Financial Report
- Profit and Loss October 1, 2007-May 24, Electronically
submitted and Board approved. Financials on file.
- Steve D. reported the follow up to the City/BID Surf City
Nights Agreement and the Board approved letter to Stanley
Smalewitz, Director of Economic Development Department has had
no response to date. Steve further stated the agreement and a
copy of the letter to Stanley Smalewitz is in the hands of the
BID attorney for review. Agreement and letter on file.
RE: Old Business
- Chili At The Beach-Susie reported the event is going
according to plan and the Ambassadors all have their assigned
tasks, however, the raffle cannot take place this year as it has
to be state approved, so an alternative plan is being discussed
in committee.
- Surf City Nights-Susie reported on her and Connie's
meeting with Stephen Bradford the events entertainment
coordinator went well. She said Stephen understood the financial
weekly commitment has put a hardship on the BID budget and would
be willing to help come up with an alternative plan. One of
which is to have an alternate/assistant at a lesser cost, and he
coordinate off site, also at a lesser cost.
Stephanie suggested the BID conduct another survey to get the
opinion of the BID members on whether or not SCN should continue
year round. After much discussion about past surveys that have
already been conducted, it was decided that another one was not
needed at this point in time. A brief discussion on why the city is
a Co-Applicant on the newly approved five year SCN permit.
Connie reported that the Surf City Nights Idol contest was ready
to go, which included the rules, the sign up sheet, artwork for
handbills, and Prizes. Connie requested $750.00 be budgeted for the
project to purchase handbills, pennant and a cash prize. Motion to
approve by Ron, 2nd Tony.
RE: New Business/Non Agenda
- Stephanie inquired about the possibility of a 'no smoking'
ordinance downtown, that was suggested by two city council
members per Ron. Ron presented a memo he sent out to the
downtown restaurants stating the litter could be 'easily
resolved with ashtrays near the restaurants and or sweeping a
couple of times during the night and at closing time.' He let
the restaurants know it looks very bad to our locals who take
early morning walks on Main Street. Ron's memo on file. Connie
to put the same request in the June N/L.
- Stephanie inquired, when did the no left turn on Main from
PCH start' Ron stated that happens whenever downtown experiences
a busy weekend. Connie to ask Lt. Mike Reynolds what constitutes
a busy weekend to trigger the no left turn'
Non Agenda Item
- Discussion on Connie researching a weekend porter service at
$12.00 an hour.
Meeting Adjourned ' 3:15 PM. Next meeting Tuesday, June
17th 2008 at IHop at 1:30 PM