Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
HB Downtown
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
HBDBID Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes
Directors Meeting Minutes
Present: Steve Daniel, Ron McLin, Bill Cuppy, Stephanie
Inbody, Susie Smith, Steve Grabowski, Connie Pedenko & Board
Candidate Tom Black
Absent: Tony Motakef, Brett Barnes, Bob Bolen
Bob Hall, Deputy City Administrator
City Of HB & Nova Punongbayan, Assistant Project Manager, Economic
Development Department and Jim Jones, Maintenance Administrative
Subject: Downtown Maintenance Partnership Program Concept.
The scope of work and boundaries for the initial program were
presented and discussed. A figure of $162,000 was suggested, Jim
Jones to come back to the Board with the actual current downtown
maintenance figures, for the boundaries proposed. The Board will go
into future discussions and should have a decision within the next
4'8 weeks. Presentation information on file.
Steve Daniel
-Opened the Meeting 2:30pm
RE: Approval
of 9-16-08 minutes
Motion to Approve by
Ron, 2nd Stephanie, motion passed
RE: Financial Report- Steve G-
Profit & Loss
Performance August & Balance as of September, 2008- Motion to
approve by Ron, 2nd Stephanie, Motion passed- Report on
RE: Old
SCN- Connie reported, that the entertainment is
currently being coordinated through the BID office and the Street
Performers are check-in at the BID Booth and Lee Ostendorf is
providing the parking passes.
Finalization of
Halloween- Steve D.
reported, the event is moving along according to plan
HB Youth Shelter
request- Ron presented a
request for a new banner to be purchased by the BID for the Light a
Light of Love Holiday event, plus repair the one from last year. Two
banner quotes one file. Ron also asked that the BID provide the
funds to print the 'Taste of Main tickets for the event as well, a
total of $1,000 to the Youth Shelter, $2,000 for the front cover of
the Clipper Magazine Holiday edition., and another $3,000 for
Advertising and Marketing downtown during the Holiday season.
Motion to approve Steve D., 2nd Stephanie, Motion passed.
Connie to get some Advertising BID's
Celebration- Connie
reported that its going according to plan
10-15-08 meeting-
Stephanie and Ron reported a alcohol related police report. Lengthy
Board discussion determined the BID will take a proactive approach
and formulate a BID 'Downtown Image' directional committee/task
force to identify and find solution to the existing over-serving
challenge and the problems it causes to the downtown image and
safety and welfare of others. Steve D. to take the leadership and
candidates were identified as possible individuals to sit on the
committee, which consists of Board members, 2 city council members,
community at large, and representative from the Economic Development
Department. First meeting November 19th 3:00pm, location
to be determined.
RE: New Business
Steve D. thanked those
Board members who will be stepping down for there years of dedicated
service to the downtown businesses.
New Members tabled to
the next meeting.
Meeting Adjourned ' 4:15
PM. Next meeting Board Meeting, Tuesday, November18th 2008 at IHop
at 2:00 PM ' First official Board meeting for the 208/2009 slate of
officers and Directors, and Immediate Past President