Beach Downtown Business Improvement District
Board Agendas & Minutes
The Downtown Huntington Beach Business
Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the
downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information,
and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest.
It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in
order to achieve an exemplary life style.
HBDBID Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes
Present: Steve Daniel, Ron McLin, Tony Motakef, Brett
Barnes, Bill Cuppy, Stephanie Inbody, Susie Smith , Bob Bolen, Steve
Grabowski & Connie Pedenko
Absent: All In attendance
Steve Daniel -Opened the Meeting
RE: Approval of 8-19-08 minutes
Motion to Approve by
Susie, 2nd Stephanie, motion passed
Financial Report- Steve G- Presented:
Profit & Loss
Performance August & Balance Sheet As of August 31, 2008- Motion to
approve by Ron, 2nd Steve D.-Report on File
RE: Old Business
- Management
& Cost Sharing Agreement signed and submitted to the city, with
Exhibit B Payment schedule- On file
Nominating committee
presented proposed 2008/2009 slate of Officers and
Directors-approved and on file.
SCN- Proposal for
Entertainment-Remco Entertainment & Lee Ostendorf- Board need
further clarification on Lee's proposal by Tuesday, 9-23-08. Bill
and Susie will be the task force to review what is proposed.
SCN Barricades- Steve
D. presented a letter to City Council and the Economic Development
Department, requesting the ED increase their budget for SCN in the
amount of $72,000 to cover costs of the barricades and the time the
BID Executive Director puts in coordinating the event. A possible
alternative solution we discussed for barricades, by using trucks
this possible is being researched. Letter to the City Council on
Captive Media
Marketing T/V/Directory proposal was discussed and the Board feels
more research needs to be done on other options. Brett and Ron to
communicate with the CVB about the current program they are
implementing and the BID possibly tie in with them. Board said a
target to move forward with any advertising program such is this
would be more likely to happen in January.
Restaurants and Bars-
Hours of operation- A letter is being prepared asking cooperation in
responsible alcohol serving and being respectful to fellow business
owners. Brett to visit with each of the establishments owners.
RE: New Business
BID Zone- Steve D.
asked City Council on behalf of the BID Board to reverse Helme
Antiques from Zone 1 back to Zone 2, due to the Shorebrake Hotel
construction. Council approved.
Taste of New Zealand
'Brett reported on the restaurants participation and Susie asked the
Board to help with refreshments for the BID Fashion Show models.
Freds, Dukes & the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory to provide
Light of Light of love
board discussion on whether or not to have it both Saturday and
Sunday. Only Sunday was the general consensus. Susie to come back
with further details next month.
Halloween Event- Steve
D. reported it will be the same as last year, with the cost of
$10,000. The Board discussed the need to go back to seeking out
sponsors for the 2009 Downtown Halloween event, to cover the costs.
General Membership
meeting/Inaugural-Waterfront Hilton Resort, November 13th,
5:30-7:30, Connie and Tony to meeting a coordinate.
Meeting Adjourned ' 3:30
PM. Next meeting Board Meeting, Tuesday, October 21st 2008 at IHop
at 2:00 PM ' Last official meeting of the 2007/2008 Board of