Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District

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Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.



HBDBID Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes



Present:  Susie Smith, Bill Cuppy, Stephanie Inbody, Tom Black, Aaron Pai, Connie Pedenko- Guests: Nova Punongbayan & Jim Jones


Absent: Steve Daniel, excused, Tony Motakef, excused, Moe Kanoudi, excused, Moe Memon, Lee Love


Open Meeting-Susie Smith @ 2:10


Presentation: Downtown Maintenance Partnership Concept Program, by Bill, Nova & Jim- Committee discussion on how to meet the scope of work vs. income provided by the city.  Committee voted to proceed with the conceptual idea and move forward- Research information on file

  • Motion to approve Bill, Susie 2nd, motion passed


RE: Approval of Minutes-11-18-08

  • Motion to Approve Stephanie, Bill 2nd, motion passed


RE:  Financial Report- Stephanie

  • Motion to approve November financial report as presented, Susie, Aaron 2nd, motion passed
  • Motion to approve December financial report as presented, Bill, Thomas 2nd, motion passed. Financial reports on file.


RE:  Old Business

A.     Susie reported she was asked for possible candidates for the Downtown Image Task Force, and Stephanie expressed desire to sit on the task force, she will contact the Economic Development Department

B.     Connie reported the BID Centennial project is coming along nicely and getting

recognition. She also requested the board members participate in the gift bag items.


RE: New Business

A.     Connie reported to the Board the cost of updating the Surf City Nights Pennants and the

cost to re-hang them. Motion to approve Bill, Aaron 2nd, motion passed

B.     Connie reminded the Board members about the Steetscape & Public Amenities meeting,

and to submit comments via E-mail prior to the meeting.

C.     Connie reported that the March 26th Stakeholders meeting/mixer has been solidified with Black Bull Chop House, from 5:30-7:30.

D.     Susie presented to the Board the possibility of changing the meetings to the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month. Most agree they could do that, however a few with a conflict. Final decision was not made at this point in time. However, The March Board meeting will take place on Thursday March 19th.

E.      Susie suggested the BID change its logo due to the fact it looks like the SCN logo. After committee discussion, it was decided that Stephanie would take on the task to bring to the next board meeting some examples.


RE: Correspondence

A.     Helme BID Assessment request- Letter on file- Board action was taken on whether to

cover cost of $300.00. Motion to approve, Bill, 2nd Thomas.

B.     Connie conveyed to the Board how thankful the CSP Youth Shelters was with the

BID's assistance with the annual Light A Light of Love event.


C.     Susie reported a letter she received from Stanley Smalewitz in regard to a suggested

Financial obligation the BID has to the city for Surf City Nights-Susie responded via

correspondence, to date to response back. Letters on file




RE:  Non- Agenda Items


          A.  Susie presented to the Board the idea of renting the BID office space at a very minimal                        

                Monthly cost- Motion to approve, Bill, 2nd Thomas.


RE: Adjournment 3:30- Next Board meeting February 17th, at Ihop, 'subject to change'







 Meeting Round Rules


*Respect each other's time: be on time and stay for the entire meeting          

*Avoid side conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)

 *Help create a nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged

 *Hold all non-agenda items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones


* The Bid President will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal







Connie Pedenko, Executive Director

Cell (714) 655-0569 E-Mail

412 Olive Street, Suite 149 Huntington Beach, CA  92648