Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District

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Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.



HBBID Meeting Minutes



Present: Susie, Bill, Lee, Tom, Sue, Stephanie, Keith (for Aaron), Nicole, Ron & Sue

Absent: Connie, Craig, & Steve           


I.    Open Meeting-2:11pm Susie opened the meeting


II. Approval of Meeting Minutes- Susie motioned to approve the minutes from 08/25/09 meeting & Nicole seconded them.


III.           Financial Report- Stephanie reported $13,000.00 in stewards was for the ballards paid to the city. City Council wanted us to change our budget to show $22k even though it was approved for $44k. BID is refusing to change it so Stephanie changed the billing. $63k in the bank & A/R is around $30k. Bill motioned to approve the financials & Stephanie seconded them. Bill reported that the t-shirts the maintenance people are wearing are the BID's t-shirts. The logo is very colorful & is using of screens which are costing around $490.00.  Stephanie asked that a motion be passed to have the money for the shirts be taken out of the BID marketing budget to pay for the screens & film for the logo separation. Lee motions to approve the funds to be taken from the marketing budget.


IV. Old Business

A. Maintenance Program-Bill reported the streets are looking good! He passed around the letter that went out to all the shop owners about the new porters program. If you have a spill in front of your shop, call the BID office to have someone come out to clean it. Still in the process of streamlining the calls. Susie asked how Bella Terra handled it & Keith believes the call is made to Security & they dispatch the porters. Steam cleaning is done twice a week from Orange to PCH, with Z park included. Lee said if Bill needed help with passing out the letter about the porters to ask the Ambassadors. Susie has heard some compliments from residence how nice it is looking downtown. 

B. Art Walk- Susie reported it is going good. Tomorrow they will walk from Art Center to PCH looking for weather proof areas for artist to set up. Susie spoke with Bob Koury about using the space behind the fountain which he said they could. Sue said that space belongs to the city.

Art Walk will start in January on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.

C. Taxi Vouchers- Harbor Distributors wants to give out taxi vouchers that would be good for a ride home & a ride to your car in the morning. They will be testing the vouchers St. Patrick's Day. Looking to do this for big events & holidays.

D. SCN Update- Susie reported that more restaurants were approved by the fire department to set up in the food court area on Tuesdays. Coach wants to bring both restaurants out beginning tonight. Susie wants the new board to focus on rearranging SCN.

E. Salon Assessment- Sue reported the assessment was approved for the salons. Salons will now be billed on square footage & stylist will no longer be billed.

F. Nominating Committee- Stephanie had 3 suggestions for the committee. 1. The bylaws need to be rewritten for next year. The bylaws that are in place are very open for interpretation. 2. If you are elected to a seat you need to be present to vote. No more proxies. Ron reported that there are currently no proxies in the bylaws. 3. Ambassadors need to keep the board abreast of changes  & aware of event dates. Susie reported that beginning next month the Chairman of the Ambassadors will be at every board meeting.

G. Anjou- Susie reported they will not be coming out but New Zealand will be back instead.

I. DTSP Update- Sue has decided not to head committee. Bill addressed that he believes the board should not take a stand on the DTSP but to inform the BID members it impacts. Ron will put something together like an outline since the DTSP is so overwhelming & be in communication with Susie to go from there. City is cancelling parking validation. Out of our 13 comments, 11 were approved. See Parking Fees Attachment. Sue reported that city employees will no longer receive free parking by flashing employee badge.

V. New Business

A. BID Board meaning of Marketing- Susie reported that an email was sent out to board about this & no one responded. Nobody remembers receiving this email.

B. 2009 Inaugural & Installation Celebration Nov. 11 @ the Waterfront


Meeting Adjourned at 3:45 pm- Next Meeting October 20, 2009 @ 2:00pm





 Meeting Round Rules


*Respect each other's time: be on time and stay for the entire meeting          

*Avoid side conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)

 *Help create a nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged

 *Hold all non-agenda items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones


* The Bid President will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal





Connie Pedenko, Executive Director/Consultant

                                                             Office number (714) 536-8300  E-Mail

412 Olive Street, Suite 149 Huntington Beach, CA  92648