Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District

Visit: HB

Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.





                                   BID General Membership Meeting Agenda


Date: 08-12-09                                                                                     

Day: Wednesday                                                                                      

Location: Gallagher's                                                                    

Time: 5:00-7:00PM                                                                                                                           


       I.  5:00 PM Open Meeting ' Susie Smith, President             

                      Thank our host-Andrew Carr


                      Self Introduction's 'Please State name and Business and if you are a

                                                         BID Board Member and or an Ambassador


                II.  Financial Update-Stephanie Inbody


III. New Business

'        Parking-Susie Smith

'        Downtown Maintenance Partnership-Bill Cuppy, VP

*Opening Separate Bank Account

'        BID Member Directory-Connie Pedenko, ED

'        Halloween-Michael Moroneso, Ambassador Chairman

'        Art Walk-Susie

'        Surf Boards In The Sand-HBMVB Representative

'        BID Coupon Program-contact


                  IV. Meeting Adjourned, Mixer to follow

           Next meeting TBA- check HB or your 

             Electronic Newsletter.



 Meeting Round Rules


*Respect each other's time: be on time and stay for the entire meeting          

*Avoid side conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)

 *Help create a nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged

 *Hold all non-agenda items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones


* The Bid President will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal







Connie Pedenko, Executive Director

Cell (714) 655-0569 E-Mail

412 Olive Street, Suite 149 Huntington Beach, CA  92648