Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District


Board Agendas & Minutes


The Downtown Huntington Beach Business Improvement District is a business organization, dedicated to enhancing the downtown business environment by providing opportunities, service, information, and encourages businesses to work together for their collective best interest. It perpetuates the spirit, values and vision that a community must exercise in order to achieve an exemplary life style.


BID Board Meeting Notes


Present:   Connie, Lee, Stephanie, Steve, Sue, Keith (for Aaron), Bill, Susie, Nicole, Lee & Craig

Absent:   ExcusedTom

I.   2:07 Susie opened the meeting

II.               Approval of Meeting Minutes- Stephanie noticed a correction in the approval BID maintenance memorandum. She wasn't sure if Tom 2nd the motion but was sure it was not her. With the change was noted Steve motion to approve the minutes of 05/19/09 meeting while Susie seconded that motion.

III.           Financial Report- Stephanie reported that there was $81,000.00 in the bank. Connie, stated after the chili event deposit we now have  $87,000 in the bank.  In October we billed the city $29,602.00 but only received $19,600.00. The board agreed that Audra needs to bill the city for the remainder of the balance of $9,900.00. Steve and Connie, noted that the assessment funds budgeted are only paid out on what is actually collected, and that was the shortfall.

IV.           Old Business

A.     'Chili @ the Beach' Father's Day Event- Connie reported $4,370. for collected for tastes. Based on taste sales the board voted to give Choc 58% of its taste sales totaling $2,800.00 to go to them. Connie asked that out of the chili earnings we pay Karen for all her work on the event.  The board asked that Karen submit an invoice but voted unanimously to give her $300.00. The Marketing Material & printing came under budget by $431.00 so we will pull $300.00 from that.

B.     BID Tri fold Directory- Susie reported that the tri fold is done just waiting for Steve @ UPS to print.

C.     Karen SCN- Susie reported that SCN is running much smoother with Karen on board.

D.    Maintenance Agreement- Bill reported that the vote was 6 yes with 1 absent. Friday is the last day to submit a bid. So far he has received 8 bids & is meeting with a company tomorrow to receive another one. The bids coming in have been a wide variety of pricing. The company that does Bella Terra has a summer price of $13,600.00 a month & winter price of $7,450.00. With 10 months on summer & 2 months winter schedule it would be $150,900.00 which is about 10% under budget. The city would like to start a contract by July 1 but it is not looking probable.

E.     Image Ad Hoc Sub Committee- Susie reported that the committee will be wrapped up by the end of month & then vote.


V.              New Business

A.     Generators- Barbara (the popcorn lady) has donated her generators for the last 2 years. We have 2 generators but we need 6. How many generators do BID exhibitors use vs. the Farmers Market vendors use' We were under the impression Barbara did not pay the weekly space rental in exchange for her generators but she has for the past 2 years. One of her generators broke & it is going to cost about $500.00 to fix which the board voted unanimously to pay for the repair out the budget. The city chargers $125.00 a day to rent a generator. Bill said he would collect the 2 generators from Lee & store them until we can find storage for them.

B.     Computer- Susie reported that we need a computer for the office. Susie made a notion to take a $1,000.00 from the budget & purchase a computer & the board seconded that notion. Have Audra figure what line item the computer cost will come out of.

C.     Parking- Steve reported that the city's scope study did not take other cities when doing their analysis for free employee parking. With 1200 employees why aren't the employees required to park in their one structure that they work in' Promenade parking structure is currently at $9.00 a day city wants to increase it to $12.00 but keep the hourly rate. A yearly pass will be divided into a beach pass or parking structure passes for $150.00 & $300.00 for a combo pass. collected. She wants to submit recommendations in writing on the parking fee schedule so it will be added to the city meeting agenda. The board put together a list of recommendations:

D.    Member Request ' Susie received a request Member request(memo on file)  that he should not have to pay BID dues, if he was to change his address to Costa Mesa. The board agreed that he would be unable to do business in HB if he did that & voted unanimously he would still have to pay BID dues.

E.     2009/10 Budget- TBA


Non Agenda: Lee suggested that the BID & Lions Club join together for the Surf City Splash Jan. 1. Halloween is still a go but will be put on the agenda to discuss reducing expenses. Stephanie suggested we invest in holiday decorations for Main Street.



Meeting Adjourned 3:56 pm. Next meeting 07/21/09 @ 3:00 pm BID Office




 Meeting Round Rules


*Respect each other's time: be on time and stay for the entire meeting          

*Avoid side conversations *State your position first then explain the point (agenda items)

 *Help create a nonjudgmental environment where ideas have value and creativity is encouraged

 *Hold all non-agenda items until the entire agenda has been addressed *Turn off cell phones


* The Bid President will manage the discussion in order to achieve meetings goal