Huntington Beach Downtown BID presents

HB Centennial 100 Years 100 Families
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Huntington Beach Downtown Business Improvement District embarked on an ambitious project to capture the essence of who we are as a community. Recognizing that it is our people, more than anything else, that makes Huntington Beach unique among the many other coastal cities in California, we launched "100 Years/100 Families."

Beginning in February 2009, residents were invited to share their stories with us for inclusion in what you will see on the following pages. This is not a history of Huntington Beach. It is not a listing of movers and shakers, although some are included.

The vision for 100 Years/100 Families was to piece together a wonderful crazy quilt of the families who live here, day in and day out, and shop in our stores, play at our parks and beaches, congregate in our places of worship and populate our schools. Some families are new to the city; some have lived here for generations. They live in every section of the city and come from every walk of life. In short, they are the faces and stories of the Huntington Beach of today and the future.



