beach photo gallery
Beach Photos in the Huntington
Beach Photo Gallery offer a colorful glimpse into
Beach photos are just the limit to
what's posted. We've taken some
stunning pictures to show you (our
guest) the colors and contrasts
you'll enjoy when you bring your camera
on a vacation or just go out and explore
your local California surroundings.
Videos are the hot new item and in the
style of YouTube, we've posted
videos filled with cute girls,
loud surfing bands and beautiful

OK, so you made it to the gold. The beach
photo library is a dig-deep inventory of
California's secrets and its "bests". We
have to write the stories about California
beaches, but some people are visually
oriented and much prefer just looking at the
pretty pictures of California beaches. And
why not' There's absolutely nothing wrong
with coming to our web site to peruse the
image bank of great California vacation
ideas. It's taken us around 10 years
to build it to this level and we've barely
scratched the surface of what's available to
see and do. We're glad you're here and want
to tell you about the many photo
opportunities you can take advantage of when
you visit California.
With the advent of digital cameras, it no
longer takes great skill to take photos.
While some pictured below resulted from
years of training and quality Nikon lenses,
a decent camera and practice can help you
create stunning photos of California. Beach
Photos contains pictures from California
Beach Photography - site that we were unable to
highlight on the cities and beaches pages.