Huntington Beach - The City of Huntington Beach  released facts about Huntington Beach terrain and the probability of damage to Surf City from a tsunami strike.

Although the study cites a low probability of occurrence in the state, the entire city is less than 100 feet above sea level, and about 75 percent is less than 25 feet above sea level. In fact, 2 miles of inland homes and terrain east of the Bolsa Chica wetlands and the Pacific Ocean range in elevation between 0 to 5 feet above sea level. Homes in the upscale Huntington Harbour sector are at 5 to 10 feet above sea level. And at the inland border with Fountain Valley, the elevation is about 15 feet.

Should a tsunami occur, you may be too close to escape it if you see it, said the City report.

For details on the potential impact of a tsunami, visit www.hb-cert.org