A Classic Volkswagen Car Show Represents
the Region's Fine Collection of Automobiles, many of them
still operating as functional vehicles in and around
Huntington Beach, California.
October 22, 2006 Orange County
Transporter Organization (OCTO) "Das O.C.T.O. Fest 2006"
Huntington Beach, California
"Das O.C.T.O. Fest
2006". This is our fall bus event. It's a swap and
display meet, for 1967 and earlier buses, held at the
Huntington Beach High School in Huntington Beach, CA.
It's a
vintage Volkswagen show featuring pre-1967 bugs, buses
and VW vehicles. It includes food vendors, vee-dub open
house on many of the buses often used as traveling homes
during the 1960s and 70s, and a drawing with prizes.
Location: Huntington Beach High School, 1905 Main
Street, enter off Utica and Main. Cost:
1967 and Earlier Busses (Display or Swap) $5.00 Each;
Vendors (Non-Bus and 1968 and later busses): $40(approx.) Per
Space; (Truck with trailer = 2-spaces = $80 - approx.); Walk-In
Spectators: $2/person (approx.), Free/12 and under. Call (714)
891-4079. http://www.octo.org
are subject to change.
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