The Pay Parking Stations
in several parking lots adjacent to the Huntington Beach
Pier are fairly simple to operate but sometimes can
challenge visitors to Huntington City Beach. You need to
bring money with you, cash or coins and enough to buy
time for parking your car in these lot locations
overlooking the Pacific Ocean and Huntington Beach Pier.
Parking is usually charged at $1.50 per hour (some
restrictions can occur such as holiday and summer flat
fee charges).
The system requires you
purchase a ticket and place it upright on the dashboard
of the driver's side of your car while you are parked in
these lots. The photos above and picture below show the
machine panel and choices you must make. First you must
chose an option for how long you want to stay at the
parking lot. The machine then tells you the price and
you insert the money to buy that amount of time. A
ticket should drop into the little silver slot on the
bottom left. Next to it is another slot with coin

The pay system normally
works well. We've provided these photos to assist you in
reading the panel where you must select an option. The
signage in the lot tells you that if a machine isn't
working, go to another pay station and get purchase a
Outside this parking lot
is metered coin parking on Pacific Coast Highway.
Charged at the same fee of $1.50 per hour, the meters
only take coins - nickels, dimes and quarters. For
additional information:
Parking at the Beach Map and
Main Promenade,
Plaza Almeria and Pierside
Parking Map in
Downtown Huntington Beach
with price comparison chart
Main Street Promenade Parking Structure